Illuminating Mirror

I actually started the Lion Brothers project earlier this month, but never had a chance to blog about it. Blog post on that coming soon!

Anyway, here’s a little side project that I did today. Yup, I did it! Jumped on the illuminating mirror bandwagon. 😀 This trend is still not accepted by all lion dancers – people either love it crazily or hate it madly. In my opinion, if it’s done right, the illuminating mirror gives the lion some oomph. Some of the cheaper assembly-line lion heads have it, but the LED ring is clearly shown over the mirror! If hidden underneath a layer of rabbit fur, I think it looks much better. Check it out!

Illuminating mirror and lighting eyes.

2 Responses to “Illuminating Mirror”

  • Danny

    Hi Ryan. Your lion looks awesome! Good job! Would you happen to have a youtube clip or instructions on how to do this to a lion? I’d greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

    • Ryan

      Hello Danny. Sorry, I don’t have a Youtube video on how to do this. Here’s a brief explanation of the process:
      Remove your mirror from the lion head and measure the diameter of it. Buy an LED ring with an inner diameter that is approximately the same as the diameter of your mirror.
      You can mount the LED ring using thin coated wire or zip ties. Make sure it wraps around part of the bamboo frame. The LED ring can be lighted with a 9 volt battery connected to a light switch of your choice. Find a 9 volt battery holder to mount into the frame of the lion. Hope this helps. If you want, I can sell you a small kit that I can put together because I have extra materials. Good luck! You can email me for more help at

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